Wednesday, October 10, 2007

WIKI Ideas

As part of our class, we are required to post to a wiki having to do with libraries. I think I would like to do something on library instruction, particularly how it is useful to college students. After a recent conversation I had with a professor about library instruction sessions being "boring", I wondered if students benefit from library instruction and in what ways.

I think students would benefit if they are engaged in the topic being explored. Asking students to suggest topics might be a good way to have them share interest in what is being taught.

Library instruction also depends on how computer literate students are since we often teach them to use the database. A quick show of hands about how many people are comfortable accessing basic web pages could tell the librarian how to proceed with the session. One on one instruction might be more beneficial for some students. Librarians should make this service available if possible.

Librarians should ask what makes students uncomfortable with searching or what they look for when searching. I find many students I work with employ Zipf's principle of Least Effort.

Being friendly goes a long way. Students listen better to those who seem to have their best interest at heart.

I realize I am not being groundbreaking here, but I think basic costumer service goes a long way in service the college population.


DocMartens said...


DocMartens said...

That minor revision has now made this a zipf-a-dee-do-dah day for me!